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Graffiti House

Brandy Station Foundation Positions

The strategic goals of the Brandy Station Foundation include "Preserv[ing] and protect[ing] the Brandy Station and Kelly's Ford Battlefields and related sites of historical significance for the appreciation and education of future generations."

The Foundation does not support commercial or residential development on historic battlefield property, and in the past has opposed developers before governmental agencies and in the courts. This last occurred in 2005 when Golden Oaks, a development company, purchased eighteen acres on the western approach to Fleetwood Hill with the intent of subdividing the land and building a dozen dwellings. In that endeavor the Foundation was successful and the Golden Oaks tract is now protected.

However, in pursuing our goals, we are mindful that landowners have certain rights with regard to the property that they own. As a result, we believe that it is generally not productive to officially oppose common property improvements, particularly when those improvements are reversible. Also, we do not oppose landowners who conduct agricultural activities on battlefield property. We freely acknowledge that such improvements and agricultural actions may be contrary to the personal views of some of our members and supporters.

Frequently landowners are required to obtain permits before making improvements or undertaking certain agricultural activities. We view the permit process primarily as an issue between the landowner and the governmental agency exercising legal or regulatory authority over the matter. However, the Board of Directors is prepared to consider each matter individually, and to provide the Brandy Station Foundation's official position to the appropriate governmental agency if warranted. 

We of the Brandy Station Foundation believe that all people, even those whose opinions or actions we may disagree with, should be treated with courtesy and respect.
Board of Directors
Brandy Station Foundation
May 16, 2011

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Graffiti House

19484 Brandy Road
Brandy Station, Virginia 22714

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 165

Brandy Station, VA 22714

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